Immune Health
The immune system functions to protect the body from infection and disease. It is also the system that helps us recover when we are feeling unwell. The immune system comprises of various systems designed to protect, defend and fight foreign bodies. Up to 70% of our immune system is actually in our digestive system. Your immune system can become compromised in many situations, including stress, poor diet or lack of sleep. It is important to support immune function with a healthy diet and lifestyle and consider immune boosting probiotics!
The following Inner Health probiotics have been designed to help support and boost the immune system:
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10 Jun 2019
How probiotics can help support your child’s immunity
The chilly winter weather has well and truly set in. If colds and flus have...
10 Jun 2019
Managing Eczema with probiotics
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is an inflammatory skin condition that results in...
15 Feb 2019
How to stay ‘gut healthy’ over the holidays
How would you like to stay ‘gut healthy’ during the festive party season? No...
15 Feb 2019
Probiotics vs Prebiotics: What’s the difference?
You’ve probably heard of the terms pre- and pro-biotic: you may What’s the...
10 Jun 2019
How to protect your gut while taking antibiotics
No matter how healthy we keep ourselves, sometimes taking an antibiotic is...